Our finances


How we operate

We work hard to keep our costs low and to make our events accessible to all, regardless of income. To support this we offer a scale of fees that is outlined below.

If you are able to pay the Standard or Sponsor rates this helps us to continue offering our events in this way. If you cannot afford the Supported rate please contact us.  In most cases we are able to offer further reductions or free places. 


Standard rate: If most people pay this, we will cover our costs during the course of the year.


Sponsor rate: The sponsor rate allows us to support those less able to afford the standard rate as well as to run events that run at a small loss such as teacher interviews or Beginners’ evenings.


Supported rate: Available to anyone who is retired, a full-time student, unemployed, or has an income too low to pay our normal prices.

If you are eligible for a supported place but can afford to pay the standard rate, please consider doing so.  This will help us keep prices  as low as possible for those who genuinely need supported  places.


What your booking fee pays for

The fee you pay to come to London Insight events is our sole source of income. It pays for hire of venues, travel costs and hotels for teachers, our Events Manager, our website, and everything else that is necessary to run our events.

For more information on our finances see the Charity Commission website: Charity Commission.


Financial Support

Director(s) – are entitled to an annual weekly retreat allowance.

Manager – our part-time manager is paid for the work ‘behind the scenes’ but not for attendance at events.

No other members of the team receive any financial benefit except for reimbursement of expenses.

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